Ice Bar : Vasaplan 4, Stockholm
Sky Bar: Hotel Gothia Towers, Ma"ssans Gata 24, Go"teborg
The Woodland Cemetery森林墓園: Sockenva"gen 492, Stockholm
Stockholms Stadsbibliotek市立圖書館: Sveava"gen 73, Stockholm (free,地鐵Radmansgatan站)
Tunnelbanan地鐵站: 斯德哥爾摩的地鐵站根本是藝術展覽館, 號稱世界最長的藝廊
Va"stra Hamnen世界出名的建築--旋轉塔: Malmo 地鐵Vastra Hamnen站(門票 30 SEK/Malmo Card 20 SEK)
Slottet Malmo"hus馬爾摩城堡(市立公園內):Malmo"husva"gen 6,Malmo (Malmo Card free)

Traval Notes:
1. Malmo Card: 在車站旅遊中心買, 市區內搭公車及逛博物館免費, 有些餐廳吃飯可打折, 若租單車可以扣抵40 SEK <1/2/3 days, 130/160/190 SEK)
2. Goteborg Pass: 公車,電車,渡輪,大部分博物館免費<1/2 days, 225/310 SEK)
3. Stockholm Card: 公車,地鐵,部分火車,部分渡輪免費<1/2/3 days, 330/460/580 SEK)
4. Stockholm Bike Card: 3 days, 125SEK, 67個租借站可A借B還,每輛車限借3hr

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1. 超市: Willy:sICAHemköpLidlNetto
2. 瑞典當地英文版新聞: tehlocal
3. 二手交易網站: Blocket
4. 銀行: NordeaSEBSwedbankHandelsbanken
換錢: Forex(各中央車站/機場)、Valutaspecialisten、Wexex
5. 上面網站除了news一定都看不懂, 所以要學瑞典文: SFI(Swedish tuition for immigrants, 瑞典文Svenska för invandrare in Swedish)、 Lexin(瑞典文/英文線上字典)、整句翻譯
6. 買火車票: SJ(右上角按in English)
7. 電子地圖:
8. Shopping Mall:
9. 巴士:Swebus ExpressSvenska Buss
10. 腳踏車店: Cykel & Sport (Norra vägen 11; Skr70/100 per half/full day)

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來說說辦瑞典簽證簡直快急死人的經驗。~. . ~



There will be a very high number of applicants in the same situation as you, so it's important to get first in line. It can take 3-4 months to receive a permit and many of our admitted students loose their admission because they fail to arrive on time. We do not give any extra favours to those delayed by the residence permit process. It is therefore crucial that you start this process TODAY!

原本我以為,學校未免也太危言聳聽了吧! 移民局發個簽證要3-4個月,這是怎麼一回事,實在無法理解。更無法理解的還在後面,看清楚了,如果你delay了,學校竟然讓你"無法入學"!!!

我現在送件會不會來不及,她還很有信心的跟我說: No problem, take around~


基本上,辦簽證的手續並不難,只要把文件備齊,交個簽證費$4500就好了(這是學生簽證的價錢,申根旅遊簽證好像只要一千多) 。

送件的地方: Swedish Trade Council Taipei , 在基隆路世貿大樓11F, 不是展覽館喔
聯絡電話:02-27576573 #18 (直接轉簽證官)

1. 護照正本及影本2份
2. 2吋照片x2
3. 申請書一式2份 (自己去瑞典移民局網站下載
4. admitted letter2份 (去自己印出來)
5. 銀行財力證明1份,最少要開的金額如下
*Please note that to be able to get a residence permit, you need to enclose proof of access to no less than SEK 7300/month, with the application
6. 健康保險證明1份
7. 簽證費$4500

如果你申請一年的program(60 ECTS),因為瑞典政府並不提供給你社會保險,要超過一年以上的program才有,所以其中要特別注意的,就是一定要出具你買了健康保險的證明,簽證官也會特別提醒你,證明書上的保險有效期必須跟預計居留期間相同或較長。



Health Insurance
In Sweden, medical treatment is very expensive if you don't have access to the public health system or purchase your own insurance. A regular check-up for minor issues will cost about SEK 800-1000. (目前匯率1:4.3, 大約是3~4 千台幣)

Non-EU/EEA citizens:If you have a residence permit valid for a period of less than a year (all students admitted to programs or courses of 60 credits or less), then you are not able to register at the local tax office, and you do not have automatic access to the public health care system. Students who are not covered have to arrange their own insurance coverage.
You have to purchase a health insurance in your home country, before you come here.Please make sure that the insurance you purchase fulfill the requirements given by the Migration Board.Even when you do have a health insurance, you will be asked to pay the full cost of the treatment upon the visit at the medical centre and then claim that amount from your insurance agency, afterward.

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